Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Garden

Here are the new garden beds!! Look at that luscious, expensive, non-clay dirt! Also notice the kiddo's new playground equipment in the background. I totally lucked out - my good friend Kelly said her daughter had outgrown it and asked if I wanted it...ummm...YES! It's perfect for Aaron and even Kaylee plays around on it.

So, here's the story: Shawn got the dirt in and we were itching to plant because it was already getting late in the season to start. Two Fridays ago we had an on-and-off cloudy day here and I could tell the rain was making it's way over to us. Shawn called from work and asked if I wanted him to pick up the seeds from the nursery on the way home. I said, yes, but hurry cause the rain is on it's way. He came home and we spent an hour or so putting everything in, then went out to eat. Less than an hour later the downpour started. And kept going. And kept going all weekend long! Literally a FOOT of rain later, and here's what we've got.

Look at how much lower the dirt is! Shawn went in with the shovel to try and break it up a bit around the plants, and we are hoping the poor garden survives the downpour of 2010. So far it looks promising. :)

The first of much excitement to come!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tribute to the Oldies

I know I have kept you all in suspense for way too long!! Our ward restarted the "Tribute to the Oldies" tradition this year. They haven't done it for about 7 years now and I guess before that it was a much-looked-forward-to yearly tradition. We had a great time.
Here are my two performers before the show

I helped the young women out with their fundraiser.

Some shots of some of the performances - California Dreamin'.

Don't know what this song was, but Rudy and Patsy were great!

The Young Women struttin' their stuff

In my opinion, the most creative get-up...

And now...for your viewing pleasure...

It was a great night...can't wait for next year!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

This and That

Here is the neglected garden area of our backyard that never recovered from last years drought.

Here is what is going in the neglected area of the backyard this week...raised beds for a new excited!! Home-grown produce, here we come again. Shawn spent all day making these little contraptions - thanks schweets - can't wait to get them in and plant!

Here's what goes on in the Smith house on any given Sunday afternoon...

oh dear.
And this one's for you mom...your 20 weeks pregnant daughter. :)
Coming soon: A blog post dedicated to the Tribute to the Oldies our ward hosted a few weeks ago. You won't wanna miss this one!