Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beautiful Days!


Life has been grand lately. The weather is beautiful, we are healthy, and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. We have been enjoying time outdoors - on MLK day we went mini-golfing on the island...we were having so much fun I forgot to take pictures! It was Kaylee's first mini-golfing experience and she loved it! Daddy is a pro golfer, and taught her all the tricks of the trade.

Here are some pics of other fun times recently:

Afternoon at the park with Kaylee's friend, Eva

Aaron's first time on the swing - his girlfriend next to him is also 7 months, if you can believe it. I had to take a picture of both of them because it made me laugh - besides the obvious size difference, it was a classic male/female moment with the beer belly chillin out and the anxiety-driven one watching every move everyone is making!

My two angels

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas in Boise


Happy New Year! Our Christmas vacation in Boise was fabulous. Here are some pics and stories:

Visit from Santa (Shawn's dad) - yes that's Larry's real beard! He had a ton of work as "Santa" this past Christmas. He and Dorothy were sitting in a restaurant eating lunch one day and he had his Santa hat on - mothers and children kept coming up and asking to sit on his lap and talk to him! Thanks for our Santa pic for 2008 Larry!

Christmas Eve dinner - my mom outdid herself as usual - we ate and ate and then ate some more. Thanks for all the yummy food and treats mom!

Grandma with a clean and happy little man

Cousins on Wadley side - I think this was Christmas Eve with new jammies on supplied by Mrs. Claus

Cousins on Smith side - they loved playing together!

Fun playing games - you see Balderdash there, but the real hit of the season was Scum, followed closely by Pinochle :)

Kaylee lost another tooth (#6) - Aaron gained another one (#3)

Snow Angel

Right in the face!

Big, tough men and a little lady

Kaylee's first snowman - this was the last day we were in Boise - it had snowed a few other times while we were there, but this was the first time the snow was the right consistency for making a snowman. I was so glad she got to experience this before we came home a few hours later.

Back at ya daddy

4 generations - we had so much fun with Granny J - I'm so glad we got to see her. She always reminds us how fun life is. In case you're wondering what the dark spot is on my shoulder it's Aaron's drool - it never stops.

As I went back thru the pictures I realized how many pics I missed - the time flew by so fast and I wish I would have thought to take a few more in the midst of all the chaos. Luckily we are in the age of technology and other people had cameras when I couldn't find mine or was busy. You get the general idea with these - it was fun, fun, fun! Thank you so much Smiths and Wadleys for such a wonderful time. We love you guys!