Friday, May 8, 2009

Swine Flu Vacation!

Here's what we did...

Aaron's first time at the beach - he wasn't too keen on it at first, but started enjoying himself after a little while.

Another reason why I love being home...while everyone else was scrambling for last minute child care arrangements, I hopped in the car with my two little bundles of joy and headed out to Padre Island. Sadly, the vacation was cut short by a week, but we had fun while it lasted. Hurray for beaches and unexpected vacations!


Jen Gillespie said...

TOTALLY JEALOUS!!!!!!! I can't believe what a little boy Aaron is turning into. So sad :-( How long of a vacation did they have? Did I mention that I was jealous? Wish I could have been there da! Love ya tons.

Nicole/ Family said...

How fun! I can't believe how big Aaron is getting! The beach??? We are still waiting for spring to come.

Englandclan said...

I love Padre!!! We have beach photos to post, but I have to find Mike's camera first. I wish I had your energy. You are awesome!

Mandi said...

Kaylee is such a long and lean little thing. They are both so edible in their swim-wear! Aaron has quite the many figure. :) You look super cute too, Kath! Love you guys!

Mandi said...

I meant to type- "manly figure" :)