Well, we are faced with a tough decision and need your input! Here's the question: should we, or should we not get rid of the dog? Sparky has been trying our patience big-time lately. Let me give you a bit of background. We got Sparky (a miniature schnauzer) about two and a half years ago from a dear friend for Christmas. He was about 6 weeks old then, which makes him about 2 and a half now. Sparky has never made it past the teething phase. (By the way, if any dog experts out there know how long the teething phase really lasts, the info would be much appreciated.) By this, I mean he bites everything he can lay his teeth into, with a particular preference for leather. After going through 3 sets of scriptures, some siding on the back of our house, an area of grass in the backyard, and countless stuffed animals and books of Kaylee's, we are wondering if anything can be done - if so, we haven't figured out what it is yet, and are quickly losing patience. Sparky is an "outside" dog, meaning he stays outside during the day and sleeps in our room at night. We don't feel comfortable with him inside the house, unless it's at night and we're watching a movie - then he'll usually sleep on one of the couches. If we leave him to his own devices inside the house he will immediately find something to chew on - it's like having another baby inside the house. We would like him to be inside the house more, but don't know how to train him to not chew up everything in sight, short of following him around 24/7 and that's impossible with 2 kids and a household to manage.
SO, we have read, listened, and watched several bits of advice, and are trying to figure out if we are not doing it right, have not been doing it long enough and consistently, or if the dog is just daft. We want a dog who feels like part of the family, but it doesn't feel that way right now. We need to figure out how to get from pest and budget drainer to man's best friend. Cesar Milan, where are you when I need you??!!
6 years ago
That is a tough one! I asked Kevin who is the expert on all things dog, and he said that eventually they grow out of it. We have had our dog for two years too and she is still chewing on things that she shouldn't. I think it just takes awhile, but it is really frustrating! Good luck.
Oh Kath, I only lasted about 4 weeks with our dog- don't take any opinion from me on the subject! Maybe you should just send her to Jen! :)
The longest we have had a dog is 10 days. So would say that if it is not good for you it is probably not good for the dog. I would say let the dog be loved by another family with out the small children but I am NOT a dog lover and would probably say that to every issue that came up. The dog would have been gone at the siding on the house, for me... so good luck with this yucky decision.!.
Well I'll tell ya, I am surprised that we don't have one yet! But, with Jason being allergic to some dogs, but not others, we decided it is probably best to wait for a while. But I say if it's driving you crazy, there will be other times. NAAAAAAAA
k so I submitted the last comment, and now the word verification is dogster now, so I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
I say get rid of the dog, but Johnny would probably say keep it. I read the book Marley and Me and kept thinking, "I can't believe they keep that dog!" And your dog sounds just like that one. But I am not hip on the idea of having an extra thing to clean up after and take care of...You are so patient. I'm impressed!!
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