Here are the rules:
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
This is the first time I've done this "tagged" thing, so hopefully I'm doing it right.
Here are my 6 quirks:
1. I have a REALLY hard time beginning a new book - I absolutely love them once I'm into a good one, but for some unknown reason it takes me forever to start one.
2. I can't stand it when people slow down when approaching a green light. Yellow, I understand...green, I don't get.
3. I eat ice cream REALLY slowly - I just love to eat it slow and savor the taste in my mouth, plus I used to get headaches as a kid eating it fast.
4. I hate "saggy butt" pants. You know when you wash them a few times if they're made of cheap material and stretch out you start getting saggy in the butt...can't STAND it!
5. I crave anything sweet and mostly chocolate after a meal...sad, but true.
6. I love vacumming and mowing the lawn...love the fresh clean look when it's done.