YAY! The crazy, insane opera rehearsals start today and I can finally have my life back again next Saturday morning. I (somewhat foolishly) commited this summer to accompanying Hansel and Gretel for a new opera company that's starting up here in Corpus. So for the last three months this is what my life has been: play with the baby, feed the baby, change the baby, put the baby down for a nap, PRACTICE, repeat ad nauseum. I got myself in a little over my head with this one - it's been terribly difficult and time-consuming to learn, as it's an orchestra reduction part that I've basically had to rewrite to make it playable. So, to compensate for the can't-sleep-because-rehearsals-are-starting blues, I've spent the last hour reading thru new posts on all your blogs.
Jen - LOVE the baby blessing pics - you guys look so great! What a little sweetheart she is, and I love the bracelet. Jason looks so big next to her! Thanks for your thoughts on mommyhood - I couldn't agree more.
Mandi - I will be trying your home-made donuts! And love the Halloween costumes - you are the cutest marshmallow man ever! Sara is getting more gorgeous by the post, and I love little Luke's baldness!
Nicole - HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY! You look so great - love the new hairdo. And the Halloween pics - Abbi is growing big-time. So glad you got to go out and celebrate.
Stacy - wait-a-go with the applesauce - you rock! I can't believe how much Mason looks like Johnny in that one closeup - such cute kids! (And I want one of those apple-peeler things).
Kathy - I do love the new hairdo - you look great! Your kids are getting big so fast.
Tiff - CONGRATULATIONS! I love that photo - and I'm so mad you didn't tell me yesterday! Between that, the enchiladas and the pecan pie - HELLO! You are one talented lady!
Jennifer O. - YES! Love the new hat! And love that I just found that out about you - I will be on the lookout for hats!
Ericka - Can I hire you as my personal chef?! And what did you end up putting in that fabulous pie crust? Although it did look good enough to eat just like that. :)
Jennifer - Your skunk costume was hilarious - love it! And your kids looked precious for the primary program - we just had ours yesterday too - it's always my favorite Sunday. But my fav post was the most recent one - THAT'S the Jennifer I remember! Love the bangs!
Myra - SUCH cute kids - I love Otho's costume, but where are the parent's garb??? Did you guys decide to take a year off?? I'll never forget that Halloween when you all dressed up in the Star Wars gear...
SUCH GREAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!! Thank you all for being a part of my life! And now I will try to salvage a few hours of sleep (although trying to fix my blog background is tempting Nicole!). Have a happy week everyone!
6 years ago
You sound very busy, but I glad you get to rest soon. Can't wait to see you at Christmas!
Thats what you get for being so talented! :) Please know that I am available for babysitting duty anytime!
oh poor da. At least you get to have a little fun with the man during the day. I will give you a call Sunday and see if you are still alive!
I tend to just go to my blog list when I have things that I really don't want to do too! For example...today I need to do a serious cleaning of the floor in the living room and kitchen and all the floor boards...the furniture has been moved and that was about as far as I got. The computer is too tempting sometimes!
Sorry I failed to mention the art exhibit over dinner. I didn't not mention purposefully. I just found out more good news last night. The curator Joe Diaz hand selected the art to be in the show. I had no idea!! I thought it was the local people that decided. I was even more thrilled when I found that out.
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